Windows 10 cannot access samba share

i have a problem with samba: i configured Raspbian to share a folder over my LAN, i can access the folder through my two android devices but my Windows 10 desktop PC won't allow me.

I tried everything! Tried to follow a lot of similar threads i found googling but nothing worked. It's probably my windows computer because i can access the folder with other devices!

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Увидеть ASA через tracert windows

ciscoasa(config)#policy-map global_policy
!--- This Policy-map exists by default.
ciscoasa(config-pmap)#class class-default
!--- Add another class-map to this policy.
ciscoasa(config-pmap-c)#set connection decrement-ttl

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em0: Watchdog timeout -- resetting

На vmware ESXi-5.5.0-20150902001-standart в ВМ FreeBSD 11.1 возникает ошибка "em0: Watchdog timeout -- resetting".
Подвержена этому в той или иной степени вся линейка FreeBSD начиная с версии 10.4 с гостевым сетевым адаптером E1000, на хосте с адаптером Intel I210.
При миграции ВМ на хост с адаптером Intel 80003ES2 проблема не наблюдается.
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